Hotel services for people with disabilities
Hotel services for people with disabilities
Parking spaces for people with disabilities
Help desk for people with disabilities in the lobby area
Hotel services guide in Braille language
Food & Beverage Menus in Braille language
Ramps with handrails to assist people with disabilities
Wheelchairs to help people with physical disabilities
Floor paths to help people with visual disabilities
Elevators with floor numbers in Braille language to help people with visual disabilities
A list of floor numbers and hotel services in Braille language inside the elevators to help people with visual disabilities
Automatic call of the floor number when opening the elevator doors to help people with hearing disabilities
Evacuation and escape plan in case of fire (God forbid) in Braille language
Automatic call in case of evacuation
Handrail ends with floor number translated into Braille language
Toilets for people with disabilities on the ground floor, equipped with auxiliary handles, sinks, and automatic sensor flushing boxes
Nursery call device in the toilets of people with disabilities
TV channels for people with hearing disabilities and emergency assistance